Welcome to my webpage!
This site is something of a launching-pad and a contact point, and a way for readers looking for my books to find them on all the major platforms where they're published.
I do post all sorts of exclusive content over on my Patreon page, where, for as little as $1 a month (less than most folks spend on coffee in a day!), you can find insights about the process which goes into my writing, giveaways, a place to discuss the books and their characters, and a 'Did you know?' series which traces the real-world roots of much of the fantasy content in my series. Please do take a look at Patreon.com, there are many wonderful artists, musicians, and writers there who, like myself, would welcome your patronage and support.
I'm also happy to answer questions over on Goodreads, too, though I usually announce new releases and occasional updates about work in progress on my Patreon page.
Thanks for popping by!